Friday, November 1, 2013

Chemistry Principles and Reactions

Chemistry Principles and Reactions Sixth Edition
Chemistry Principles and Reactions Sixth Edition
Tên sách/ Title: Chemistry - Principles and Reactions.
Tác giả/ Authors: William L. Masterton and Cecile N. Hurley.
Tái bản/ Edition: 6. 
Ngôn ngữ/ Language: Tiếng Anh.
Số trang/ Length: 728 trang.
Nhà xuất bản/ Publisher: BROOKS/COLE Cengage Learning, 2008

  • ISBN-10: 0495126713
  • ISBN-13: 9780495126713
  • ISBN-10: 0495126713
    ISBN-10: 0495126713

  • ISBN-10: 0495126713
  • ISBN-13: 9780495126713

  • ISBN-10: 0495126713
  • ISBN-13: 9780495126713

  • ISBN-10: 0495126713
  • ISBN-13: 9780495126713
  • Chủ đề/ Subjects: Sách hóa lý
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